G325 Sec A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
In this shoot, I was the Director and Alastair Simpson was the Cameraman. We used a green screen to construct the scene to get a real effect of the father on the phone to his child while on the plane coming home. Utilising the application Do Ink, we were able to project our aerial view footage of London out of a plane windows.
The live footage over London was taken on a British Airways flight this year which shows iconic London buildings such as the Tower Bridge and the hugely recognizable River Thames.
This is how we set up the green screen alongside the Ipad with a tripod so that the frame was straight whilst we filmed the scene.
Then we used our actor for this scene using his upper body in the frame and then recorded him presenting his lines. With the moving image, you can see the main backdrop moving in the windows of the plane. This meant that there were three different layers when filming this scene, the first layer being the live action actor. The second layer was the frames of the aeroplane windows and then the third layer being our own filming from the outside of an aeroplane.
Really excellent work: your use of new technologies is developing very well. This shoot involved three layers and careful planning. The result is a convincing simulation of a mid-air phone conversation with the anxious father looking out over London.